Agile methods are already widespread in many companies, but the corresponding agile mindset is often not yet anchored in the minds of the employees and in the organizational culture. This is the conclusion of the “Future Organization Report” from the management consultancy Campana & Schott.
Findings from the study
- Although many companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland already work with agile methods such as Scrum and Kanban (doing agile), they have not yet anchored agility in their employees’ minds or even in their corporate culture (being agile).
- There are clear success factors for agile transformation: a company-wide awareness of change, organisational commitment and empowering behaviour of the managers.
- The greatest risks are inconsistent implementation, a lack of change in corporate culture and the loss of employees or their work motivation, especially during the transformation phase.
- The study shows once again that managers act as role models within the framework of agile transformation.
- Managers rate the agility maturity level of the company higher than employees.
- Transformation hurdles: Constructive error culture not yet anchored and lack of communication.
- Agile Transformation needs clear vision and goals.
Read the full post here in german (Haufe Online Redaktion) or download the study here (Campana & Schott).