If one woman can make a baby in 9 months, then 9 women can make a baby in 30 days. Now you may laugh, but this is the most common problem in developing a new product. Throwing more resources at the problem and praying it goes away does not solve anything.
These are not only the 7 Deadly Sins of Product Development. If you have something to do with IT-Projects they will sound familiar to you too.
- The Pregnant Woman Theory
- Stepping Over A Stack Of $100 Bills To Pick Up A Penny
- Champagne On A Beer Budget
- The Scalpel Is Only As Good As The Surgeon Who Uses It, Not All Tools Are Created Equally
- You Never Run Out Of Things That Go Wrong
- A Plan Is Just A List Of Stuff That Didn’t Happen & Everything Takes Longer, And Costs More Than You Planned
- Good, Fast, Cheap… Pick Any Two
Read the full Article from Travis M. Jacobs here on Linkedin.