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Category: General News
More or less general news.
Online Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2016
The online marketing industry is complex and volatile, but an exciting one for anybody who stays up on modern trends. Continue reading “Online Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2016”
Why Digital Culture eats Digital Transformation for breakfast
Peter Drucker, the famous management consultant, said that “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. He said this in the context of culture enabling a sustainable point of difference between organisations. Strategy can be replicated, but not culture. But a similar sentiment can be applied to the much used phrase “digital transformation”. Continue reading “Why Digital Culture eats Digital Transformation for breakfast”
Social Media Metrics That You Need To Keep Your Eyes On
Social media metrics are the statistics upon which expert marketers base all of their actions on. They monitor them carefully and interpret the findings to optimize their results. But what metrics do they look for and what do they do with those metrics after they’ve understood what they measure? Continue reading “Social Media Metrics That You Need To Keep Your Eyes On”
The World’s 21 Most Important Social Media Sites and Apps in 2015
The concepts behind “social networking” aren’t anything new – ever since there have been humans, we have been looking for ways to connect, network, and promote with one another – but they’ve taken on an entirely new meaning (and momentum) in the digital age. Continue reading “The World’s 21 Most Important Social Media Sites and Apps in 2015”